Theft protection through facility for You Now
If you want to prevent shoplifting, you should start with furnishing your shop: bright, open rooms give thieves the feeling of being watched. They also make it easier for employees to keep an eye on their customers. Slightly increased cash registers reinforce this effect. Mirrors in the corners ensure that they can be monitored by employees. Potential thieves are also deterred. Shelves should only be so high that customers can still be followed with a glance. There are also options for theft prevention when arranging the goods: items that are particularly at risk are best kept within sight of the checkouts. If possible, they should only be offered with operation by an employee, for example at a counter or in locked cupboards.
Mechanical methods of securing goods
Particularly valuable goods such as technical equipment can be secured with locks and wire ropes. This is particularly useful if the presentation in a glass showcase has disadvantages for the customer: You cannot touch the product and try out what a line safety device does is possible. Small and valuable goods in particular can easily be tucked away unnoticed. Dealers can prevent this with additional large packaging that is more visible to employees. If you use adhesive labels, you should use pre-cut models. These are less easy to remove. We also recommend clear labeling so that the goods can be assigned to your store. A caught thief cannot later claim to have bought the item from another supplier. You can take the suggestion of the Merriam Criminal lawyer in this case.
Video surveillance and electronic security
Camera surveillance can be an effective tool in preventing shoplifting. However, it is also associated with human resources. Finally, the images must also be checked in real time. Dummies can be a deterrent to customers, but professional thieves recognize them.
Electronic article surveillance is now used in many shops. There are different techniques here and as a retailer you need to decide which ones are best suited to the specifics of your business. Basically, a distinction can be made between visible and invisible security devices: A clearly recognizable security device, which is removed by the staff when purchasing, also has a psychological effect: the customer perceives the goods as secured. At least casual thieves can be deterred. A hidden security has the advantage that it is not so easily visible to the thief. It is not removed when purchasing at the checkout, but deactivated.
Shoplifting Noticed: What To Do?
If you catch a thief in the act, you can hold him. Legally, this is referred to as “provisional arrest” . The prerequisite, however, is that you actually observed the theft and there is a risk that the culprit will flee. You can also pursue and detain the perpetrator. However, you can later be accused of disproportionate violence if you act too brutally. And especially important: Your own safety always comes first. So do not put yourself in dangerous situations after discovering a shoplifting event. Incidentally, dealers can also ban people who have stolen in their shop. If the thief violates this, he is trespassing and making himself liable to prosecution.