The Best Way To Cure Lyme Disease – See A Lyme Disease Specialist

The Best Way To Cure Lyme Disease – See A Lyme Disease Specialist

Lyme is a dangerous bacterial disease caused by tick bites. The bacteria are Borrelia burgdorferi. If you are on a hiking trip, the causes are deer ticks, caused by black-legged ticks in your home. The reality is the bite is painless and, you will not even know that you had a sting. It is when the symptoms arise that something serious could be wrong. The most common symptoms are stiffness, tiredness, joint aches, sore muscles. People tend to ignore and blame it on a mattress or some other thing. There is also difficulty in concentration and a circular rash or bull-rash on the body. Most people see a dermatologist, podiatrist, or general physician and think that the problem resolves. It is not so. It can lead to s complications leading to neurological, heart problems, facial paralysis, arthritis, and tingling. You got to seek a Lyme disease specialist urgently. A Lyme disease specialist is the only one who can cure you of this deadly disease.

What does a Lyme disease specialist do differently from a general practitioner? Lyme disease symptoms are such that they are common among other diseases. Proper diagnosis is the key. Only an experienced Lyme disease specialist can cure you of the disease. The first thing the specialist will ask you to undergo lab tests. The first test is the ELISA — Enzyme-linked immunosorbent array. This test detects antibodies to the bacterium Borrelia burgdorferi. However, this is not the only test. Follows is the Western blot test. With positive ELISA, the Western blot test detects antibodies to proteins of bacterium Borrelia burgdorferi. The results of these tests make way for the Lyme disease specialist to prescribe the treatment.

Antibiotics are the treatment for Lyme disease. Oral antibiotics, like doxycycline, amoxicillin, or cefuroxime, are prescribed for people above eight years. Prescription for breastfeeding, pregnant women and, younger children, too. The course usually lasts for 10 — 21 days. Patients have known to recover after 14 days. The complete duration is mandatory, lest the disease becomes chronic. If the diagnosis reports that Lyme disease is in the central nervous system, then the Lyme disease specialist recommends an intravenous antibiotic course. It takes 14 — 28 days for recovery but comes with side effects like low white blood cell count and diarrhea.

Many patients tend to alternative medicine to treat Lyme disease to avoid the various side effects of antibiotics. However, this is to avoid since there is no proven, tested, or effective alternative medicine for Lyme disease.

Do not ignore the symptoms of Lyme disease. The disease is growing at a fast pace. A Lyme disease specialist is the solution to this disease. A well-known, experienced doctor in the country is Dr. Danielle Cameron, MD, MPH. He has more than 32 years of experience in treating Lyme disease and other tick diseases. However, you could check out locally in the area where you live to find a Lyme disease specialist. Do not ignore the symptoms. Seek out a Lyme disease specialist and seek treatment fast.

Clare Louise

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