Foods and Drinks For Teeth Whitening 

Foods and Drinks For Teeth Whitening 

Teeth staining is completely natural because of your bad diet habits and improper dental hygiene routine. As a result, there are several teeth whitening products that you can try. Besides getting teeth whitening treatment from a family dentistry Oshawa. You must also include certain foods and drinks into your everyday diet. These naturally whiten your teeth and enhance your oral health. In this article, we have jotted down the top foods and drinks to eat every day. Here we go! 

Foods and drinks for teeth whitening 

1. Strawberries 

Many think strawberries stain your teeth due to their striking red color. However, that’s not the truth, as strawberries contain malic acid, which has bleaching properties to lighten your stained teeth. This acid is popularly known to stimulate saliva within your mouth to tackle problems like dry mouth. 

2. Dairy products

Popular dairy products like yogurt and cheese add a shield to your teeth from stain causing foods, preventing tooth discolouration. These are also rich in calcium, which whitens your teeth and provides the necessary strength. 

3. Pineapples 

These are rich in bromelain. It acts like a natural cleanser by breaking down struck plaque and cleaning your teeth. Dental cavities are a major reason for discolored teeth as it erodes enamel. By regularly eating pineapples, it is easier to whiten your teeth. 

4. Apples 

Apples are naturally abrasive and crunchy cleaning agents. Chewing on large chunks of apple removes the accumulation of disease. Similar to strawberries, apples contain a lot of malic acid. This can be found in some toothpastes.

5. Oranges 

When it comes to cleaning teeth, orange peels work better than pulp. Vitamin C is included in orange peels. There are instances where strong tooth whiteners contain vitamin C. Teeth can be made whiter and plaque-free by rubbing the white portion of orange peels against them.

6. Water 

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle requires water. It preserves your teeth from getting stained, in addition to keeping you hydrated. Rinsing your mouth after consuming dark, stain-causing meals or beverages is an excellent approach to lessen oral acidity, which lessens damage to tooth enamel. 

Wrapping Up 

You can get a brighter and healthier smile with different dental procedures and good oral hygiene practices. Make sure you make healthy food choices. You can experience the confidence that comes with a brilliant smile and better dental health by including these foods and beverages in your diet and speaking with a dentist about cosmetic options.

Feris Fenny

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