As a divorced parent, never assume that you can effectively handle the issue of child custody without the expert knowledge of a divorce attorney, you may not know that child custody is not a topic you can just dabble into on a date and finalize on based on bias and limited personal view of the current situation. Child custody is very important as it deals with whom the children in a divorced marriage should live with or how to take care of shelter of children from divorced marriages. You should know that who the children live with determines a lot about the lifestyle and the future of the children, and if care is not taken you might affect the lives of your children negatively if the case of child custody is not well handled and managed. Aside from this you should know that there are different types of child custody in operation and the ones applicable to your state might differ from the ones in operation in neighboring states and it takes only a professional attorney to know which one is in operation and legal in your state of residence more reason why you should involve a divorce attorney while trying to iron out your child custody case with your divorced partner.
Some child custody patterns might be operational in your state or area of domicile. Physical custody; is almost the most popular pattern known when discussing the issue of child custody, this pattern child custody empowers one of the parents of the child or children to have full custody of the child or children but with the benefit of visitation granted to the other parent, this means that this pattern provides for the children from the divorced marriage to live with one of their parents and have the privilege to occasionally visit the other at appointed or agreed times. Sometimes under this pattern, the court might allow parents to share physical custody with their children equally, which means that children can actually live with their separated parents at appointed times equally shared between the two parents, divorce attorneys are in the best position to enlighten you on the best pattern that night work for you and is legal in your state.
Another pattern of child custody in operation in some states is absolute legal custody, in this child custody pattern, a parent is given the legal power to make every decision about the child or children from the divorced marriage, such parents are given the power to decide for the children, on the religion to practice, academic life, health care, and every other decision that involves the wellbeing of the children. You should be informed by your divorce attorney if this is an acceptable pattern where you are.